Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Why Diversity matters
The business benefits of improving diversity and inclusion are proven with studies showing a clear relationship between diversity and business performance.
Leadership roles are crucial - with companies in the top quartile for ethnic/cultural diversity being 33% more likely to have industry-leading profitability.
This isn’t just about gender, building and sustaining a diverse and inclusive organisation with a culture of belonging needs action to be driven from Board level down, we are critically aware of our role in helping clients achieve and improve their goals and are here to help.
- D&I committee acting as a resource to our client base offering help & guidance.
- D&I Webinar series, with free attendance.
- Access to “I Don’t Understand” Navigating Bias Training via DiverseCity Think Tank
- Regular reporting across our own activities, including the makeup of our candidate database and against the assignments we undertake.

What is unconscious bias?
Always ensuring access to a wide variety of views and perspectives.
First recognising the obstacles and then taking steps to attract diverse candidates is a key factor in developing a diverse workforce. For example this might include writing job adverts so the language doesn’t discourage certain candidates from applying. However, history suggests we often tend to hire and promote in our “own image”, looking for people who are “like us” or share our own views or attributes. This is a form of unconscious bias and whilst not intentional can often influence perception of what a “successful person” is.
Just looking at this one area, unconscious bias can have a serious underlying effect on hiring decisions when recruiting for your business. At Harrison Holgate we believe there are a number of different approaches that can be used to reduce this, including:
- Assessing blind CVs (removing certain information like gender and name, where someone was educated and possibly even the names of the companies they have worked for)
- Peer Reviewing candidate information for discussion or even sharing prospective information with certain stakeholders for their views
- Anti-bias training to approach recruitment more objectively
How we can help...
We believe there are many things that can be done to allow employers to develop a workforce with a broad range of backgrounds. We truly believe in embracing this approach and see many examples of the benefits from bringing in new ideas and development of highly productive workforces.
When approaching each project and to assist with D&I we will follow a structured process:
- Defining the Vacancy and search criteria
- Discussing and agreeing how best to advertise and market the vacancy
- Agreeing parameters for the filtering and submission of candidate data with D&I objectively in focus
- Agreeing with a client the type of interview process and style of interview to allow candidates the freedom to demonstrate their suitability
Read our own D&I and Equal Opportunities policy

Our Diversity & Inclusion Survey
Over the last 3 years we have polled our existing and prospective clients and candidates, as well as making the survey available on our website. We have compiled those survey answers into a report, which you can download below:
Our diversity & inclusion consultants
The experts at Harrison Holgate
Buki Mosaku is founder of DiverseCity Think Tank, workplace bias navigation experts and D&I consultants. His book “I Don’t Understand – Navigating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace” is the culmination of more than two decades of working, observing, and interacting with over 50,000 individuals as a consultant, communications expert, trainer, and coach.